1 CPD credit per episode when watched live. Email events.ireland@nutricia.com for your certificate.
Prof David Coghlan and Dr Juan Trujillo hosted discussions on Anaphylaxis Management and Community Care Planning along with Prof Jonathan Hourihane and Mairead Sheehan.
Dr John Fitzsimons and Ruth Charles hosted discussions on Immunoprevention and Immunotherapy along with Prof Jonathan Hourihane and Dr Aideen Byrne.
Prof Jonathan Hourihane and Dr Fiona Magee hosted discussions on Adult Allergies along with guest speakers Dr Niall Conlon and Dr Caríosa Lee Brennan.
Dr Aideen Byrne and Dr Muhammad Tariq hosted discussions on Respiratory Allergies with Dr John Fitzsimons and Professor Basil Elnazir.
Dr Aideen Byrne and Dr Cathryn O’Carroll hosted Episode 1 on Common allergy issues in the first year with Ruth Charles and Dr Yvonne D’Art.
If you missed any of the episodes click here and register on the hub to watch on demand.